Kelimutu is a volcano in the eastern part of Flores near the town of Ende. Kelimutu is known for its beautiful crater lakes that shine in bright colors. Find out everything you need to know in our article on Kelimutu. Read More
Mt Bromo is one of the most popular attractions in Indonesia. The good thing about Bromo is that you can visit it without a guide or guided tour. Find out how you can do it all in our article. Read More
Wenn ich mir für eine Insel in Indonesien entscheiden müsste wäre es womöglich Sulawesi. Tauchen, traumhafte Strände bei den Togian-Inseln, wandern und Vulkane und das Volk der Toraja mit ihrem Totenkult machen ein Urlaub auf Sulawesi zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis. Read More
Raja Ampat is a place which is just WOW. Beautiful islands, small acommodations on the beach and an incredible underwater world. There is no way you can not not like Raja Ampat! Read More