
  • The ultimate Backpacker guide for Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka is a great backpacker destination that has a lot to offer. Discover the country's culture, landscape and delicious cuisine. Visit ancient sites, explore national parks and relax on the beautiful beaches. Here you will find all the information you need to plan your backpacking trip to Sri Lanka. Read More

  • Sepilok on Borneo: Experience orangutans close up

    Sepilok is on the agenda of just about everyone who travels to Sabah in the Malaysian part of Borneo. The orangutan rehabilitation center is the main attraction. We found the night hike much more exciting and tell you everything you need to know about your visit to Sepilok. Read More

  • Hoi An – Vietnam’s Everybody’s Darling

    I would say that Hoi An is a place that you can not not like. Whether you want to relax on the beach, cycle through the rice fields or enjoy the beautiful old town, there is something for everyone here. Read More

  • Pulau Mabul – Under Water Hop Above Water Flop

    Pulau Mabul is an island off the coastal town of Semporna in the Malaysian part of Borneo. The island captivates by a dreamlike underwater world, as well as the proximity to the island Sipadan, which is considered as one of the best diving areas world-wide. Read More

  • Foodguide Nepal – 1o dishes you have to try!

    It is no longer a secret that Nepal is incredibly exciting from a cultural and scenic point of view. But what is there to eat and drink in Nepal? We have compiled a list of the food and drinks that we had the pleasure of getting to know during our two-month trip. Read More

  • Semenggoh Wildlife Centre

    The Semenggoh Wildlife Centre is the ideal way to get close to the orangutans without disturbing them. You can find out everything about how to get there, prices and feeding times in our article about the Semenggoh Wildlife Centre. Read More